An independent investment company specialist

About Us

We are an independent investment company specialist. Established in 2009, we provide a dedicated service to a select number of investment companies.

All services are provided in-house. We believe that having full control over all aspects of our service is the optimal model for providing the highest quality of services to our clients.

We are focused on developing our employees and providing opportunities for them to develop their skills, experience and careers within the business. Our team has a comfortable balance of experience, youth and diversity.

Our Services

Our core services are company secretarial, accounting and administration which are provided by our experienced in-house team. We also provide discount and premium control management services and are regulated by the FCA as a full scope AIFM. We provide Board support on all investment company matters and issues.


Company Secretarial and Accounting

We believe the relationship between the Board and the Company Secretary is key. Our team of experienced company secretaries provides support to the Board of Directors of investment trust companies to ensure that they comply with relevant legislation and regulation. Our company secretaries are also responsible for the preparation inter alia of interim and annual accounts, comprehensive board papers and minutes.



Our dedicated administration team provides a full back-office service for investment trust companies including settlement of trades, payment of expenses, income processing, preparation of daily net asset values and various reconciliations.


Discount and Premium Control Management (DCM)

We provide DCM services to a number of investment trust companies. The DCM service ensures that the shares of these companies trade at close to net asset value (NAV) in normal market circumstances. This is achieved through a combination of share buy-backs, at a small discount to NAV, and the issue or reissue of new or treasury shares, at a small premium to NAV.

The benefits of the DCM include better liquidity in the Company’s shares, providing market makers confidence to buy or sell shares in the Company (irrespective of size) as and when required. It can also help reduce the volatility of the Company’s share price and provide shareholders the confidence that they can enter or exit the Company’s shares at around NAV.

We believe that these benefits, when linked with strong investment performance and a strong marketing resource, provide an attractive opportunity to grow the size of a company over time, as well as lowering its ongoing charges ratio.


Alternative Investment Fund Management

The Company is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the provision of AIFM services. In this role we assume responsibility for the ongoing risk management of the investment trust (in accordance with its investment policy and Board guidelines) with oversight of delegated portfolio management.

Our Investment Trust Clients

We have set out below a summary of our existing investment trust clients and the services provided to the trusts.

Services Provided

Company Secretarial, Accounting and Administration

Services Provided

Company Secretarial, Accounting and Administration

Services Provided

Company Secretarial, Accounting and Administration

Services Provided

Company Secretarial, Accounting, Administration, DCM and AIFM

Services Provided

Company Secretarial, Accounting, Administration

Montanaro UK Smaller Companies Investment Trust

Services Provided

Company Secretarial, Accounting, Administration

Services Provided

Company Secretarial, Accounting, Administration, DCM and AIFM

Services Provided

Company Secretarial, Accounting, Administration, DCM and AIFM

Services Provided

Company Secretarial, Accounting and Administration

The Scottish Oriental Smaller Companies Trust

Services Provided

Company Secretarial, Accounting and Administration

Juniper Partners Limited is registered in Scotland (Company Number: SC366565) having is registered address at 28 Walker Street, Edinburgh EH3 7HR.
Juniper Partners Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in respect of its AIFM business.